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Which then led to the development of research ideas Geography Geography produce categorization paradigm . Broadly speaking there are two main paradigms known , namely : the traditional paradigm and the paradigm of traditional kontemporer.Paradigma suspected by 3 kinds of paradigm , namely : ( 1 ) exploration paradigm , (2 ) environmentalism paradigm and ( 3 ) regionalism paradigm . While the contemporary paradigm characterized by two kinds of paradigms , namely ( 1 ) the quantitative paradigm and ( 2 ) quantitative and qualitative paradigm . Paradigms are then instituted Geography major approach is known today .
Traditional Paradigm development :
Three kinds of paradigm that emerged during this period have different characteristics and demands of the development of its products is a reflection of life as well as the development of technology as well as analysis of existing research .
Paradigm Exploration ( Exploration Paradigm ) is the early development of the " geographical thought" who had known her file . The specificity of this paradigm can be seen from the efforts of mapping , delineation of new places that have not been widely known and collection of basic facts relating to areas previously not been widely known . Of this activity then appeared the writings , drawings , maps and exciting new areas that foster a strong motivation for researchers to further refine the product has been produced previously in the form of writings and his maps . Discoveries of new areas that were previously not been widely recognized by the public started to appear at that time . The nature of the products produced in the form of description and classification of the area along with the facts of his field .
Paradigm Environmentalism emerged as a further development of previous methods . The importance of more accurate and detailed presentation has demanded researchers to conduct more in-depth research on elements of the physical environment in which human life takes place . This paradigm is seen sticking to the surface at the end of the 19th century , where opinions about the role of the physical environment to patterns of human activity on the surface resonated very real . It is then known as a geographical determinism mindset . Even until the mid-20th century alone , these ideas still feel echoes . Morphometric analysis forms and causality analysis began much done .
Territorial paradigm ( Regionalism Paradigm ) :
This paradigm is the last phase of development of the traditional paradigm . Here the visible elements of fact finding tradition of exploration on the one hand and efforts led to the synthesis of the human relationship with the environment on the other hand seems coloring this paradigm . Region concepts emerged as the basis of a more detailed introduction . Region in terms of its type ( formal and functional regions ), where the terms of the hierarchy (the first order , the 2nd order , the 3rd order etc . Regions ) and regions in terms of categories ( the single topic , double topic , multiple topics , topics combined , total regions ) are some examples of the concepts that appear in line with the development of regionalism paradigm is to help the analysis . In addition temporal analysis as one dimension in the form of causal analysis is also developing in this period meanwhile Ley ( 1977 ) says that the study area is the emphasis remains on the shape of the human form and its association with the work of the landscape is very influential on human activity itself .
Contemporary Paradigm development :

At this time began the new developments in the field of quantitative analysis methods and building models . Development paradigm ni Geography during the period is also referred to as spatial analysis paradigm ( the spatial analysis paradigm ) . characteristics of contemporary geography is the tendency of specialization and this phenomenon is that then feared by many experts to be the trigger for the marginalization of the role of geography itself has moved away because of the nature of Geography . Terms of analysis technique , the contemporary paradigm of development period can be divided into periods of growth and development of the quantitative analysis of the incorporation of quantitative and qualitative analysis . Quantitative paradigm emerged with the advent of the quantitative revolution with the invention of electronic calculators and new analysis techniques . On this approach , the variables analyzed more limited and specific nature hupotesis presented in accordance with , so the results are limited to the previously stated hypothesis test carabao . This is one of the weaknesses of this paradigm where the researcher was not able to reveal its association with other variables that actually exist in the real world . Every phenomenon to be studied undefined first so researchers looked only at a scene from the real world itself. Based on this, the experts recognize the importance of qualitative analysis as something that complements the quantitative analysis to be able to understand the real world that is the focus of the study Geography .
Jonny Richards

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